floods in Italy

13 people died in floods in Italy, 13 thousand left their homes

More than 20 rivers overflowed in Italy causing floods. This flood occurred after 6 consecutive months of rain. At least 13 people died and 13,000 people were forced to leave their homes immediately. This information was reported in the BBC report.

Almost every river in the 115km stretch between the city of Bologna and the northeast coast was flooded, the report said. More bodies were recovered from these areas on Thursday. Apart from this, about 280 landslides have been reported.

The mayor of the flood-hit city of Ravenna told the BBC it was the worst disaster of the century. Floods have destroyed homes and property of people in cities and large areas.

He said, I have passed a very bad 48 hours. The entire village is submerged in water and mud.

Roberta Lazzarini’s home in the Boteghino di Zocca area, south of Bologna, was damaged. He said that the roads, houses and gardens were all flooded. He said, I have never seen anything like this in my life. I didn’t immediately understand what to do if I got swamped. I just hope it doesn’t happen again.

Firefighters helped residents escape from their homes. Among them was a 97-year-old woman.

Meanwhile, in the province of Emilia-Romagna, not only rivers, but also canals have been flooded. The country’s civil protection minister, Nello Musumesi, said Italy’s climate has become tropical. An average of 20 cm of rain fell in 36 hours. Some areas received up to 50 cm of rain.

He said that no dam has been constructed in any region in the last 40 years. To avoid this situation hydraulic engineers have to apply new methods.

Prime Minister Georgia Meloni’s government has called an emergency meeting next Tuesday.

Stefano Bonacchini, president of Emilia-Romagna province, said the damage reached billions of euros.

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