After seven years, Iran established an embassy in Saudi Arabia.

Iran has officially opened its delegacy in Saudi Arabia. After seven times, the Iranian authorities opened an delegacy in the country on Tuesday( June 6).

On this occasion, a program was organized in the delegacy demesne. It was attended by dozens of diplomats and officers.

Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister for Consular Affairs Alireza Bikdeli said,” moment is an important day in the relationship between Iran and Saudi Arabia.” To achieve stability, substance and progress, this region( Middle East) will move towards lesser cooperation and uniformity, Inshallah.

After a long disagreement, Iran and Saudi Arabia reached a agreement onre-establishing politic and trade relations with the agreement of China on March 10. Iran opened an delegacy in Saudi Arabia a many months after subscribing the agreement in China.

Saudi Arabia is a generally Sunni Muslim country. On the other hand, Iran is the largest Shia Muslim country. The Saudi delegacy in Tehran and the consulate in the alternate megacity of Mashhad were attacked during demurrers against the prosecution of prominent Shiite clergyperson Nimr al- Nimr in Saudi Arabia. After this incident, Saudi Arabia disassociated relations with Iran in 2016.

Both countries supported opposing sides in conflict zones across the Middle East until politic ties were brokered by China.

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