As US-China relations rise, iPhone manufacturer Foxconn will transition to the automotive industry.

iPhone maker Foxconn is laying big on electric buses and redrawing some of its force chains as it navigates a new period of icy Washington- Beijing relations.

In an exclusive interview, president and master Young Liu told the BBC what the future may hold for the Taiwanese establishment.

He said indeed as Foxconn shifts some force chains down from China, electric vehicles( EVs) are what will drive its growth in the coming decades.

As US- China pressures soar, Mr Liu said, Foxconn must prepare for the worst.

” We hope peace and stability will be commodity the leaders of these two countries will keep in mind,” 67- time-old Mr Liu told us, in his services in Taipei, Taiwan’s capital.

” But as a business, as a CEO, I’ve to suppose about what if the worst case happens?”

The scripts could include attempts by Beijing to leaguer Taiwan, which it claims as part of China, or worse, to foray the tone- ruled islet.

Mr Liu said” business durability planning” was formerly under way, and refocused out that some product lines, particularly those linked to” public security products” were formerly being moved from China to Mexico and Vietnam.

He was likely to be pertaining to waiters Foxconn makes that are used in data centres, and can contain sensitive information.

Foxconn, or Hon Hai Technology Group as it’s officially known, started off in 1974, making clods for TVs. Now it’s one of the world’s most important technology companies, with an periodic profit of$ 200bn(£158.2 bn).

It’s best known for making further than half of Apple’s products- from iPhones to iMacs but it also counts Microsoft, Sony, Dell and Amazon among its guests.

For decades, it has thrived on a playbook perfected by transnational pots they design products in the US, manufacture them in China and also vend them to the world. That’s how it grew from a small element- making business to the consumer electronics mammoth it’s moment.

But as global force chains acclimate to disaffection ties between Washington and Beijing, Foxconn finds itself in an unenviable spot- caught between the world’s two biggest husbandry, the veritably nations that have powered its growth until now.

The US and China are at loggerheads over numerous effects, from trade to the war in Ukraine. But one of the biggest implicit flashpoints is Taiwan, where Foxconn is headquartered.

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