Blinken: Wagner’s uprising shows “various cracks” Mystery surrounding the whereabouts of Prigozhin “

Positive and inspiring” discussion between US President Joe Biden and Volodymyr Zelensky. Putin and Lukashenko have also spoken on the phone.

The failed achievement by the leader of the Wagner civil group, Evgeny Prigozhin, reveals” real cracks” at the loftiest position of the Russian state. The head of American tactfulness, Antony Blinken says so. Prigozhin” directly challenged Putin’s authority”, and this” raises real questions and reveals real cracks” at the top of the Kremlin, the US clerk of state said in an interview with CBS.

The United States has held violent consultations with European abettors on the extremity in Russia over the once 24 hours, but has so far abstain from opining directly on events. Blinken himself history bandied the situation in Russia with his counterparts from the G7 countries, as well as with Poland and Turkey. In a round of Sunday telecasts on several networks, Blinken said it was still” too early” to presume on the impact of the extremity on Russia or the war in Ukraine.

blinken wagner reveals cracks putin confident
But” to the extent that Russia’s attention is diverted this creates, I suppose, an added benefit” for Ukraine in the midst of an descent against Russian forces, he said.” It’s too early to know how this will play out. It’s an evolving picture,” he said,” but the fact that you have someone inside who questions Putin’s authority and directly wonders why he launched this aggression against Ukraine in itself is commodity veritably important.”” They had to defend Moscow from the mercenaries that they themselves created,” Blinken said, averring on the” strategic failure” of the Russian chairman in Ukraine.

riddle about the fate of Prigozhin
24 hours after the advertisement of the agreement for the pullout of the Wagner colors arrived a many kilometers from Moscow” so as not to exfoliate Russian blood”, there are no further updates on the fate of the rebellion leader Evgenij Prigozhin. Intended for Belarus, his” status” in the satellite country of Russia, whose chairman Aleksander Lukashenko has intermediated with the Kremlin carrying that Prigozhin won’t be fulfilled, isn’t clear. According to Cnn, who tried to communicate his press officer, he replied that he’ll give news when possible. Meanwhile, the Lithuanian chairman said he was concerned about the possible permanence of Wagner’s master in the bordering state.

Phone call between Zelensky and Biden
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky had a” positive and inspiring discussion” with US President Joe Biden. In a phone call moment, the two leaders bandied” the conflict and ongoing processes in Russia wrote Zelensky on his Telegram profile- The world must ply pressure on Russia until transnational order is restored. I thanked the President of the States United for implacable support to Ukraine”.

Addresses between Putin and Lukashenko
Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko held telephone addresses with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin and Kazakhstan’s first chairman Nursultan Nazarbayev. This was reported by the Belarusian agency BelTA. The discussion with Putin took place this morning, while in the autumn Lukashenko had an interview with Nazarbayev, with whom he bandied the transnational situation, the situation in the region and Belarusian- Kazakh relations.

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