Brazil’s president proposes to launch a new currency in South America

Brazil has organized a big conference with 12 South American countries. It was there that Brazilian President Lula da Silva proposed a new currency for trade throughout South America. Other countries also supported this offer. Lula de Silva spoke about the bone ban without naming names.

Lula de Silva said,’ We’ve to calculate on foreign currency for trade within South America. rather, we can produce our own currency.

In fact, banks in colorful countries have been instructed to see how to produce this new currency.
In the once decade, South American countries have decreasingly fallen into the hands of the right. Again it’s starting to come into the hands of the leftists. transnational relations experts are relating the Brazil conference as a meeting of such a left- sect alliance. According to them, at one time Unasur block was strong enough for South America. With time it came useless. It’s being made again under the leadership of Lula de Silva.

A aggregate of 12 heads of state attended this conference. The Peruvian head of state simply couldn’t come. Because there’s a felonious case against him in the country. The Venezuelan head of state attended the conference. Former Brazilian chairman right- sect Bolsonaro called Venezuela’s leader a oppressor. He wasn’t invited to any conference. But Lula da Silva praised him moment. The head of Argentina also praised him.

On the other hand, the head of Colombia said, the time has come to make a united Latin America. Consensus between countries is essential.

A group of experts believe that if the left- sect bloc is strong in Latin America under the leadership of Lula de Silva, the world politics will turn in a new direction.

Source Deutsche Welle.

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