
Conflict in Sudan: Survivors’ accounts from Bahri and Khartoum

The voice of the womanish croaker in war- hit Sudan is shaky. She’s leaving a communication with BBC Arabic’s mobile phone number via WhatsApp.

It’s for a special radio programme called Li Sudan Salam, which means both” felicitations to Sudan” and” peace to Sudan”.

It was launched following the outbreak of conflict there between the army and the civil Rapid Support Forces( RSF) on 15 April.

Hundreds of people have failed and further than a million have been forced from their homes across the country.

The radio programme has entered multitudinous dispatches about women and girls being ravished amid the instability.

It’s delicate to establish the exact number of victims, but croakers sweat numerous cases are going unreported.

” We’ve been suitable to talk to three women who have been ravished and we’re trying to give treatment for them, but there are two women we have not been suitable to reach yet,” says the croaker at one of the many hospitals still operating in Bahri, one of three metropolises that make up Greater Khartoum- Sudan’s capital.

” We could not sit there and do nothing. We’re trying to relate these cases to the obstetrics department for examination, but our problem in Bahri is that it’s hard to get drug.”

SalimaIs’haq, the director of a government unit to combat violence against women in Sudan, says utmost cases of rape are reported in Bahri, which has seen some of the worst fighting.

” The age of the girls who come to us range from 12 to 18 times,” she says, her voice full of despair.

” But the cases we’ve reached are much lower than the factual number. They may constitute only 2 of what’s passing.”

With important of the government in a state of collapse, MsIs’haq does what she can.

Sheco-ordinates the force of health and cerebral support to victims through a network of charities and levies, but numerous survivors want no contact.

” The conditions are presently delicate in Khartoum; everything is chaotic. Now we’re trying to concentrate the mindfulness crusade on how to report cases of assault and get help,” she says.

It’s an attempt at responsibility and justice in a time of war.

Meanwhile, the internet is constantly down and there are constant power cuts.

numerous people have plodded to admit treatment since conflict broke out on 15 April
In Khartoum, only six out of 88 hospitals are functional.

numerous dispatches entered by the radio programme punctuate the tragedy of cases suffering from order complaint who need regular dialysis but are unfit to pierce treatment.

” The drug is nearly missing now. I could not get it for my sick family,” says Najlaa.

” Fortunately, I met someone with the same condition at the drugstore, and he gave me some of his drug. We need help from any source to give essential treatment.”

And for diurnal labourers who live hand to mouth, it’s just as bad.

” We used to manage with some plutocrat, but not presently. There are no job openings. I’ve children, and my mama and siblings also live with me. I’ve spent all my savings,” says Mubarak.

He says his neighbours have participated what little food they’ve but it’s getting more delicate every day.

Despite the trauma, this sense of solidarity at the worst of times is inspiring the platoon who work on the radio programme.

” Their trust in BBC Arabic radio is commodity which has touched me,” says Mays Baqi, one of the programme’s directors.” Despite the difficulty in communicating, numerous Sudanese share details about their lives because they trust that we will hear and tell their stories actually.”

BBC Arabic radio was closed because of budget cuts before this time but a limited service was renewed when the war broke out. Li Sudan Salam is a doubly- diurnal half- hour programme on shortwave radio which is also available on the BBC

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