Drone attack in Moscow

A drone attack took place in the capital of Russia, Moscow. No casualties have been reported so far in the attack, but some structures have been damaged. Aljazeera reported this news with reference to the mayor of Moscow, Sergey Sobyanin, on Tuesday.

In a statement, the mayor said several structures were slightly damaged in a drone attack this morning. exigency services are being rendered at the scene. piecemeal from this, no bone has been seriously injured so far.

Moscow is located about a thousand kilometers from Ukraine. The megacity has infrequently been hit in drone strikes since the launch of the Russia- Ukraine war. still, similar attacks are now rare in some areas of Russia.

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Meanwhile, the governor of the Moscow Region, Andrei Vorobyov, said that several drones were shot down while heading towards Moscow.

still, it wasn’t incontinently known who launched the drones.

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