Greek Coastguard’s account of the boat catastrophe is called into question by ship tracking.

The BBC has attained substantiation casting mistrustfulness on the Greek coastguard’s account of Wednesday’s migratory shipwreck in which hundreds are stressed to have failed.

Analysis of the movement of other vessels in the area suggests the overcrowded fishing vessel wasn’t moving for at least seven hours before it overturned.

The coastguard still claims that during these hours the boat was on a course to Italy and not in need of deliverance.

Greek authorities haven’t yet responded to the BBC’s findings.

At least 78 people are known to have failed, but the UN says up to 500 are still missing.

The UN has called for an disquisition into Greece’s running of the disaster, amid claims more action should have been taken before to initiate a full- scale deliverance attempt.

Greek officers maintain those on board said they didn’t want help and weren’t in peril until just before their boat sank.

The BBC has attained a computer vitality of tracking data handed by MarineTraffic, a maritime analytics platform.

Their data shows hours of exertion concentrated on a small, specific area where the migratory boat latterly sank, casting mistrustfulness on the sanctioned claim it had no problems with its navigation.

The fishing boat had no shamus so isn’t shown on the chart. Neither are coastguard and military vessels which don’t have to partake their position.

Timeline of sanctioned coastguard account challenged
Frontex, the EU’s border force, says it first spotted the migratory boat at around 0800 GMT on Tuesday and informed the Greek authorities.

Alarm Phone, an exigency hotline for settlers in trouble at ocean, say they entered a call at 1217 GMT saying the boat was in torture.

We’ve used videotape and photos authenticated by BBC corroborate, as well as court records and shipping logs, to assay the movement of vessels in the area in the following hours.

The Marine Traffic vitality shows a boat called the Lucky Sailor suddenly turning north at 1500 GMT.

The proprietor of the Lucky Sailor gave us its log book and verified it had been asked by the Coastguard to approach the migratory boat and give food and water.

About half- an- hour latterly at 1535 GMT, the coastguard copter set up the migratory boat. Authorities have continued to claim it was on a steady course at the time.

But two- and-a-half hours latterly at around 1800 GMT, another vessel, the Faithful Warrior, travelled to the same area and also gave inventories to the boat.

The possessors of Faithful Warrior appertained us to the probing authorities.

videotape has surfaced- reportedly shot from the Faithful Warrior- claiming to show inventories being delivered to the migratory boat via a rope in the water. No other vessels can be seen.

BBC corroborate checked it and set up the vessel- which isn’t moving in the footage- matched the shape of the migratory boat seen in prints and the rainfall conditions were a match for those reported at the time. It’s not know exactly when this videotape was mugged.

Between 1940 until 2240, Greek officers firstly claimed the boat was keeping a” steady course and speed”.

Their original statement claimed they observed from a discreet distance, but a close-up image they latterly published- from this time- period- suggests the migratory boat isn’t going anywhere.

A government prophet latterly said the coastguard had tried to board the boat to assess the peril but that those on board removed a rope that had been attached and didn’t want help.

All of the shipping exertion of the former seven hours was concentrated around one specific spot, suggesting the migratory boat had hardly moved.

The scale of the amped chart suggests it travelled lower than a many navigational long hauls, which may be anticipated of a stricken vessel buffeted by the wind and the swells in the deepest part of the Mediterranean Sea.

The conduct of people in torture, rocking the vessel, would also have contributed any movement.

During this time period, Greek officers have claimed it wasn’t in trouble and was rather safely on its way to Italy and so the coastguard did not essay a deliverance.

At 2300, the boat sank with hundreds on board and the shadowing vitality shows a delirium of vessels coming to help.

This included the Celebrity Beyond from which footage of the fate of the disaster was mugged and latterly transferred to the BBC.

A luxury yacht, the Mayan Queen, is also instructed to help take some of the 104 survivors ashore.

Those saved reached the safety at the harborage of Kalamata but left behind a series of disquieting questions about the whole Greek response.

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