Islamic State: German prisoner who used a Yazidi lady as a slave

A German woman who joined the Islamic State( IS) group has been jugged for nine times for crimes including keeping a Yazidi woman as a slave.

The defendant was also set up shamefaced of crimes against humanity and class of a foreign terrorist organisation.

A court in the western megacity of Koblenz said the 37- time-old had abused the youthful Yazidi woman for three times while they lived in Syria and Iraq.

It also set up she had encouraged her hubby to rape and beat the woman.

” All of this served the declared purpose of IS, to wipe out the Yazidi faith,” said prosecutors at the launch of the trial in January.

In 2014, IS fighters stormed into the ancestral heartland of the Yazidi people in northern Iraq.

The Yazidis fled to Mount Sinjar. numerous were killed and some 7,000 women and girls were seized and enslaved.

Among them was the youthful woman whom prosecutors said the indicted, named as Nadine K, and her hubby used as a slave from 2016, when they moved to the megacity of Mosul in Iraq.

They had travelled to Syria to join IS a time before and latterly moved back there with the woman, who was in her early 20s at the time.

In March 2019, Nadine K and her family were captured by Kurdish forces in Syria. She was arrested last time after being repatriated to Germany.

During her trial, the indicted denied pressing the Yazidi woman but said she should have done further for her.

The victim, who was freed in 2019, witnessed in Nadine K’s trial in February and was present for Wednesday’s verdict.

Her counsel said her customer hoped that all of those who had committed analogous crimes would be brought to justice, according to the Associated Press news agency.

There have been a number of trials in Germany lately involving former IS members indicted of killing or abusing Yazidis.

In October 2021, a woman was jugged for 10 times over the payoff of a Yazidi girl she and her hubby had bought as a slave.

A month latterly, a German court issued the first worldwide ruling that recognised crimes by IS against the Yazidi people as genocide.

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