‘Meat grinder’ attack by a tiger shark kills a Russian swimmer

During an attack that his father saw from the beach, 23-year-old Vladimir Popov is eaten alive in the Red Sea.

A Russian swoon was eaten by a barracuda wolf in the Red Sea in an attack that his father, who was watching on helplessly, described as looking like a “ meat grinder ”.

videotape footage online showed the wholeness of Thursday’s attack, in which 23- time-old Vladimir Popov constantly called out for his “ pop ” as he tried to swim down from the wolf.

At one point, he sounded to scuffle with the beast but was flipped upside down, his legs flailing in the air. Moments latterly, the wolf dragged him under and he didn’t resurface.

“ What kind of help can you give? This meat grinder happed in 20 seconds, he was just dragged under the water, ” Yury Popov, the youthful man’s father, told news outlet 112. “ We went to the sand to relax. My son was attacked by a wolf, it all happed in seconds. ”

The Russian victim, Vladimir Popov, was a endless occupant in Egypt
A small boat reached the spot of water where Vladimir was attacked just a many seconds after he went beneath, but by also it was too late. vids from the scene latterly showed a wolf being beaten on reinforcement by fishers.

In a sign of the growing divisions created by the Ukraine- Russia war, druggies on Ukrainian Twitter and Telegram used the wolf attack to tease Russians. In one of the numerous Ukrainian cartoons participated online, a wolf stands by a drowning Russian man giving a thumbs up.

Oleksiy Arestovych, a former counsel to Volodymyr Zelensky, the Ukrainian chairman, criticised his countrymen making fun of the payoff. “ Judging by the number of jokes. about a Russian killed by a wolf, dehumanisation is formerly then. And if you have it, also you ’ve lost, ” he said.

Vladimir Popov was reportedly a endless occupant of Egypt and was living in the Red Sea resort of Hurghada, where he was spending time with his father and his gal.
The attack itself took place on the resort’s Dream Beach, and excursionists in the area have been told to remain watchful and follow staff instructions.

The victim’s gal is said to have been in the water at the time of the attack as well but managed to escape.

Egyptian officers say they’ve captured the barracuda wolf which attacked the swoon and are conducting laboratory tests on the beast.

The beast had displayed “ abnormal geste ” and water conditioning would be suspended in the area until Sunday as a palladium, they added.

Viktor Voropayev, the Russian Consul- General, said the Egyptian authorities had verified the death of the Russian citizen, who was born in 1999.

“ The victim wasn’t a sightseer, but a endless occupant of Egypt, ” he told Russian journalists.

The Red Sea is a popular sightseer destination, particularly among Russians. While harpies are common in the Red Sea it’s rare for them to attack people. still, it’s the third time in a time that a wolf has fatally attacked a swoon near Hurghada, following the deaths of one Austrian and one Romanian sightseer in July 2022.

In 2018, a Czech sightseer was also killed by a wolf in the Red Sea, following an attack that killed a German in 2015. And in 2010, five attacks in five days that were surprisingly close to the reinforcement of Sharm el- Sheikh killed a German and injured four others.

When Egyptian authorities delved the 2010 deaths, they said that the illegal jilting of beast cadavers and other raw meat in the ocean may have attracted bloodsuckers which also turned their attention to mortal prey.

Rising temperatures in the region may also have caused the harpies to swim in shallower waters, adding the threat of contact with humans.

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