Milan beats Juve and secures the titleholders League

With the 1- 0 palm against Juventus at the Allianz Stadium, the Rossoneri secured fourth place in the standings
AGI- Milan took the last pass to take part in the2023/2024 titleholders League. With the 1- 0 palm against Juventus at the Allianz Stadium, the Rossoneri therefore secured fourth place in the standings. For Juventus, still, it’s the middle of the night. After the ten- point penalty and the defeat in Empoli at the morning of the week, another heavy knockout arrives. In the first half, originally veritably unrestricted and with numerous miscalculations on both sides, it was Juventus who took on a little further courage and showed up more constantly in the opposing goalkeeper’s area, the great occasion happed in the 24th nanosecond on Di Maria’s bases but on Kean’s help” sullied” by a deviation from Thiaw the Argentine had put up from a tempting position.

At the first real chance of the match, still, Giroud made no mistake in the 40th nanosecond, a cross from the right brushed by Calabria for the head of the Frenchman who was good at escaping Gatti’s marking and slipping the ball into the nethermost corner to Szczesny’s left wing. thing that forced Juventus off the pitch formerly again this season at the adjudicator’s double whoosh, amid repeated razzes at the end of the match. On the pitch, still, the match continued along the lines of the first 45 twinkles of the game, with many ideas and veritably little entertainment.

Only noteworthy was the save with which Szczesny saved Saelemaekers’ shot from the right in the 26th nanosecond and Danilo’s shot in the 47th nanosecond cleared off the line

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