Russia war

Russia claims to have killed 70 attackers on the border

Moscow claims to have killed 70 armed attackers who crossed the border from Ukraine to Belgrade region. As the attackers crossed the border into Russia, clashes broke out with Russian troops. After nearly 24 hours of fighting, Russia claims to drive the attackers from its territory.

Russia said it deployed fighter jets and artillery on Tuesday to crush the armed group. Because, since the beginning of Moscow’s operation in Ukraine last year, these armed men have been infiltrating through the border region and carrying out terrible attacks on Russian land. Al Jazeera, a Qatar-based media outlet, gave this news on Wednesday.

Russian authorities say that 13 Russian citizens were injured by artillery and bullets during the clashes between the two sides on Monday. Later, a woman died during their evacuation. Apart from this, one more civilian died in Kojinka village.

Russian officials say residents of nine villages were evacuated during clashes with the attackers.

A total of more than 70 militants, four armored vehicles and five pickups were killed, Russian state news agency RIA Novosti reported on Wednesday. Today the anti-terrorist operation in the Belgrade region was cancelled.

The Novosti report claimed that the attackers were Ukrainian saboteurs and that they had entered Russia to practice reiki.

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