
Syria, which is embroiled in conflict, is producing more crops.

Syria has been scarred by a long bloody civil war. There’s nothing left in the country which was formerly developed and rich. The oil painting-rich Arab desert country was also rich in crop product. still, as a result of the long war, the product of that crop fell to nearly zero share. lately, crop product is adding again in the country.

According to the Syrian state news agency” SANA”, Syrian Prime Minister Hussein Arnas said on Friday that the country’s wheat yield is anticipated to reach 1 million tons this time.

still, according to another report, roughly three and a half lakh tons of wheat will be produced in the country this time.

Although there are expedients for a good crop, it’s still well below thepre-war average crop. Before the launch of the war in 2011, Syria’s periodic average grain product was4.1 million tons.

The country was also tone- sufficient in wheat. still, due to the civil war, the country now has to import wheat from abroad to meet domestic demand.

Since the launch of the civil war in Syria a century agone , half of the country’s population is either a exile or displaced. According to conservative UN estimates, further than 300,000 civilians were killed. further than 100,000 Syrians are locked or missing.

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