
The final act of Napoli’s never-ending fiesta concludes Serie A.

The blue coloration of the Neapolitan city is still there as a tribute to the third title. Even in the Champions League, Milan, Inter, and Lazio. Roma and Atalanta are eligible for the Europa League. The Conference League’s Juventus. Sampdoria and Cremonese were demoted. Playoff for salvation involving Spezia and Verona

Only one verdict is missing to decree the end of the football season in Italy. And it’s that of the last relegated platoon the clunker of the play- off between Spezia and Verona will be added to Sampdoria and Cremonese which will presumably be played on 11 June.

The final verdicts Scudetto to Napoli. In the titleholders League, in addition to the platoon from Campania, Milan, Inter and Lazio will play. Rome and Atalanta, beating Spezia and Monza, detach a ticket for the coming Europa League. Juventus, despite the penalty, will be the Italian representative in the Conference League.

The last palm of Napoli
In an autumn of pure happiness for the definitive festivity of the third scudetto won, Napoli closed the crown with yet another palm by beating Sampdoria at home. At the Diego Armando Maradona Stadium it ends 2- 0 thanks to a penalty kick from Osimhen, who reaches 26 pretensions, and the final seal from Simeone. Applause, chants and great joy for the Azzurri suckers, who before the triadic whoosh also pay homage to the great partner and Campania DOC Fabio Quagliarella, who came out in gashes as happed last week in Marassi

As anticipated, the Neapolitans play the game from the first nanosecond, but the Dorian defense proves to be attentive in every possible dangerous situation near their own penalty area. The down line- up also defends itself and tries to take advantage of some openings in the renew, similar as the bone that happens on the bases of the youthful partner Zanoli who weakly kicks Meret after a pass from Gabbiadini.

Gabbiadini himself, in the 24th nanosecond, serves a fantastic ball to Quagliarella at the far post, but the striker from Campania heads wide. In the first twinkles of the alternate half, Sampdoria had another great chance with Malagrida, rejected a lot by Meret, but also it was Napoli who set up the occasion to unleash the match in the 62nd nanosecond Osimhen was brought down in the area by Murru, the adjudicator blows his whoosh a moment late but still assigns the penalty to the azzurri.

Osimhen himself goes from the spot and signs the 1- 0. After unlocking the game, Spalletti’s platoon begins to enjoy themselves and nearly doubles the immediate lead three times, first with Anguissa and also doubly with Gaetano, blocked in both cases by an attentive Turk. In the final, still, the freshman Simeone takes care of closing the accounts on 2- 0 with a beautiful right- footed shot from outdoors.

The party in the places
The emblematic places of the blue party are formerly full. lately on the big screen, one of those installed in four places in the megacity to allow indeed those who weren’t at the Maradona to see the match against Sampdoria and the live content of the party, the images follow one another.

The square named after John Paul II, the pope who brought words of stopgap and the exhortation” do not surrender to evil” right in the Scampia quarter of Naples on a Saturday in November 1990, now welcomes around 2,000 people.

It’s a square cordoned off from all sides, with servants checking packs and carabinieri and police standing by to avoid accidents. But the climate is gleeful, serene and relaxed. So important enthusiasm from those present, who sing choruses and surge flags, in addition to the numerous bank losers lit, with their eyes fixed on the screen.

Spalletti’s chatting
” I am agitated because it’s delicate to be suitable to give back what the Neapolitan suckers have given me. As I say goodbye, I remain true to myself and to the choice I made. I’ll remain constrained to this club and when I can I’ll go back to the daises to cheer for this platoon”. This is the comment released by Luciano Spalletti, to the microphones of Dazn, after the palm over Sampdoria in his last match on the bench of the Neapolitan club.

Spalletti closes by responding to those who asked him what recommendations he’d give to his coworker who’ll take his place at the helm of Naples.” The only advice I can give to my successor is to give maximum confidence to these players. They’re a great group able of great effects

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