The former chairman of Brazil was doomed to 9 times in captivity for corruption

The country’s Supreme Court has doomed the former chairman of Brazil, Fernando Collor de Mello, to 8 times and 10 months in captivity. He was doomed to captivity on Wednesday for corruption. This news was reported in a report by Deutsche Welle.

According to reports, Fernando Collor de Mello was chairman from 1990 to 1992. From 2010 to 2014, he took 4 million US bones in backhanders while he was a assemblyman. He took the fix in exchange for arranging a construction contract with a attachment of state- run oil painting company Petrobras.

Fernando Collor de Mello was the first tagged chairman of Brazil after the military governance from 1964 to 1985. There were allegations of corruption against him. He abnegated to avoid indictment.

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