The Palestinians’ need for financial assistance was not met by the United Nations.

UNRWA has managed to raise only$ 107 million in fiscal aid for Palestinian deportees in the enthralled homes and bordering countries. still, they bear a aggregate of$ 300 million.

UNRWA on the point of profitable collapse- A pledge conference on backing was held at UN headquarters in New York on Friday, following warnings from UN Secretary- General Antonio Guterres.

history, benefactors pledged$812.3 million, according to the association. Among them, the advertisement of the renewal comes only for107.2 million bones . The association didn’t say which countries have pledged to give new fiscal backing.

UNRWA Commissioner General Philippe Lazzarini said thanks for the new pledge of fiscal support. still, it’s inadequate to keep further than 700 seminaries and 140 conventions open from September to December.

He said, we will work lifelessly with our mates to raise fiscal support. Among them will be the host country.

In a press conference last Thursday, Lazzarini said, they will need 150 million bones to keep all services running until the end of this time. And in 2024, another 50 million will be demanded to start working without any debt. In addition,$ 75 million is demanded to keep food programs running in Gaza and about$ 30 million for cash backing programs in Syria and Lebanon.

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