the-daily-newss ice cream

The price of ice cream is 7 lakh taka.

Various types of ice cream can be found for 20 to 50 taka in the palm of your hand. This is the cost of cheap ice cream. But what could be the highest price for this popular food? 1 thousand, 10 thousand or 1 lakh taka? No, even that amount of money may not be enough. To buy one ice cream made by a Japanese company, the customer will have to pay 6,696 dollars (7 lakh 21 thousand taka).

The Japanese company, Selleto, has created a new expensive ice cream with a unique flavor. It is called Biakuya. There is a reason for its high price. It contains some rare ingredients from around the world, including rare black truffles produced in the city of Alba, Italy. The cost of one pound of truffles alone is 7,000 dollars. Ice cream also uses Parmigiano Reggiano (Parmesan) and Sicilian pistachios.

The Guinness World Records has already recognized Selator ice cream as the most expensive in the world. It took almost one and a half years to create. After many attempts and mistakes, the company was able to make a true taste of ice cream. Source: UPI

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