
US- Philippines- Japan in first common nonmilitary exercise

The US, Japanese and Philippine seacoast guards have organized a common nonmilitary exercise for the first time in the South China Sea.

The three countries’ coastguards are sharing in similar exercises for the first time amid enterprises over China’s conditioning in the region and heightened US military tactfulness.

The exercise started moment Thursday in the waters of Bataan fiefdom of the Philippines and will continue until June 7.

Philippine Coast Guard spokesperson Armand Balilo told journalists in Manila last Monday that the US and Japan initiated the trilateral exercise. Australia will join as an bystander.

He said that four vessels from the Philippines and one each from the United States and Japan will share in the exercise. The exercise is organized to enhance hunt and deliverance cooperation and law enforcement.

He further said that this is a normal routine operation among Coast Guard agencies. There’s nothing wrong in organizing similar exercises with mates.

The US has stepped up military tactfulness in the South China Sea amid simulated relations with China. piecemeal from this, the country is also organizing frequent military exercises with its abettors and mates in the South China Sea, the waters around Taiwan and the Western Pacific Ocean.

On the other hand, China has also increased the quantum of military exercises in this strategic raceway. This time the country has held military exercises with Laos, Singapore and Cambodia. piecemeal from this, the country will shoot warships to a multinational nonmilitary exercise in Indonesia this month.

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