While touring the Titanic, there were two billionaires in the missing submarine.

A submarine carrying excursionists to see the Titanic wreck lately went missing in the Atlantic Ocean. The hunt for the submarine is underway. It was incontinently known that there were five people in that submarine. Among them, the names of two notorious billionaires have come forward.

According to Geo News, among the missing are Pakistani mogul Shahzada Dawood, his son Sulaiman, British mogul Hamish Harding, French submersible airman Paul Henry and Titanic Expedition CEO Stockton Rush.

According to NDTV, Dhankubar Shahzada Dawood is a prominent businessman in Pakistan. piecemeal from this, his father Hussain Dawood is also in the list of the richest people in Pakistan. The family said that Shahzada went to the submarine with his son Suleman.

The family also said that contact with the diver has been lost till now. Several government agencies are working to deliver the submarine. They requested everyone to supplicate for the safety of the missing persons.

In addition, the missing British billionaire and president of Action Aviation, Hamish Harding, said on social media last Sunday that he’s joining the Oceangate operation as a’ charge specialist’.

Harding said the passage to the Titanic wreck may be the only manned charge this time due to hostile rainfall in Newfoundland, Canada.

The Titanic sank in 1912. But excursionists still go to see the remains of the important talked about boat.

It’s known that excursionists and experimenters are taken in small submarines to show the wreckage of Titanic. It takes about eight hours to reach the wreckage of the Titanic from ocean position to the bottom of the Atlantic and refloat.

The wreckage of the Titanic lies 12,500 bases deep in the Atlantic Ocean, 600 kilometers off the seacoast of Newfoundland, Canada.

The Titanic sank on its first passage after hitting a floating icicle. About 1,500 of the 2,200 passengers and crew on board were killed in this accident. The wreckage of the Titanic was discovered in 1985.

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